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Program Overview

The Community College Outreach Program (CCOP) aims to advance diversity in STEM and reach out to the local communities by providing hands-on research opportunities and career mentoring to students at community colleges. Community Colleges host students of varying demographic and socioeconomic backgrounds, including first-generation and low-income students, who remain underrepresented in STEM. A dearth of research exposure and financial barriers strongly discourage students from seeking unpaid research internships, which could kindle their interest in STEM careers. For Stanford trainees, this program provides critical mentorship experience. Mentors take DEI mentorship training on Stanford platforms to learn how to foster an inclusive research environment in their current labs and in their future research groups. Overall, CCOP significantly benefits Stanford and the greater community by establishing connections between them, promoting inclusivity within Stanford research groups, and allowing Stanford labs to more fully reflect the greater Bay Area community.

Mission Statement

CCOP aims to increase access to research opportunities and peer mentorship for Community College students from URM backgrounds and provide mentorship opportunities to Stanford trainees. The goal of CCOP is to provide Community College students valuable insight into working in a research environment/group, support and encourage students as they explore scientific fields for the first time, and support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for groups underrepresented in STEM fields within Stanford and in the broader scientific community. CCOP establishes connections between the local community and Stanford by promoting inclusivity within Stanford research groups, and allowing Stanford labs to more fully reflect the greater Bay Area community.


CORE is a 10-week research internship program for community college students. Every year, our program runs three sessions (fall, spring, and summer). Students in the program will be treated as valued colleagues and will be taught about science and how to conduct research by their laboratory mentor. 

The annual Bootcamp takes place during the summer and is designed to support community college students in scientific career development and help students gain skills that will enable them to prepare successful transfer applications and succeed in STEM fields. 

Day of Science is our annual spring celebration of STEM, research, and DEIB! The event takes place at the College of San Mateo, in collaboration with CSM's Mathematics, Engineering, Science, and Achievement (MESA).


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College of San Mateo Logo
Cañada College Logo
Mission College Logo


Packard Foundation Logo
Logo for Stanford's Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education (VPGE)
Dev Bio Logo


Thank you to the Developmental Biology (DB) Department and Chair, Anne Villeneuve, for supporting and providing funding for CCOP research internships.

CCOP was established by the Developmental Biology department and has now expanded to include intern funding from several biosciences departments: Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Structural Biology, Microbiology & Immunology, Biology, Neurobiology, Pathology, Biochemistry, and Urology. We are currently working on expanding our participation to other Stanford Biosciences departments and programs and would be happy to hear from interested departments directly. 

Additional funding and support have been provided by a Packard Foundation grant, Stanford’s Office of STEM Outreach, as well as the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education’s Diversity and Innovation Funds, the Office of Community Engagement (OCE), the Office of Graduate Education (OGE), and a generous philanthropic gift.


In July 2020, two Developmental Biology Ph.D. students met with Olivia Viveros, the director of the MESA program at the College of San Mateo, to discuss ideas and logistics for initiating a research and mentorship program for community college students at Stanford University. That September, the CCOP Peer Mentorship program was initiated to provide transfer application help and career development workshops for local community college students – beginning with 9 students from the College of San Mateo. In follow-up surveys, most students reported successful transfer, and two students enrolled in summer research internships.
In November 2020, CCOP formed a relationship with Sandra Rodrigues, a STEM advisor at Cañada College and recruited students to the Peer Mentorship program with her help. Sandra also presented a transfer workshop for students in Fall 2021. In September 2021, CCOP formed a relationship with Sophia Kim at Foothill College and students from all three local community colleges participated in CCOP’s first research internship program (5 students).  Catalyzed by OCE’s Community College community of practice, in 2022, CCOP added an additional community college partner, Santa Clara Mission College, via a connection with their MESA program coordinator, Edrina Rashidi. In 2023, CCOP began its annual event, Day of Science, which is held at College of San Mateo in collaboration with the MESA leadership team.

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