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Career Development &
Transfer Preparation Bootcamp

Applications are currently closed for this year's Professional Development & Transfer Preparation Bootcamp. Please check back next spring for our 2025 applications. For any questions or more information regarding the Bootcamp, please contact Liesl Strand.

Program Goals

The CCOP Transfer Preparation & Professional Development Bootcamp is designed to support community college students in scientific career development and help students gain skills that will enable them to prepare successful transfer applications and succeed in STEM fields. 


As part of the bootcamp, students will:

  1. Gain important career development skills with workshops focused on topics including generating successful transfer applications, writing CVs, and applying for scholarships/internships.

  2. Meet in small groups and one-on-one with Stanford scientists to receive feedback on your work-in-progress and advice on thriving in STEM fields.

  3. Build community with other community college students to give constructive feedback to your peers while supporting each other on topics like school, transferring to four-year universities, funding college, or life in general. 

Program Description

The 6-week summer bootcamp consists of once a week, one-hour long workshops for mentees, developed by CCOP on career development topics and facilitated by guest speakers and/or CCOP mentors. Previous workshops have included: how to make a CV/resume, applying for scholarships and other financial aid, writing personal statements, and panels with transfer counselors and admissions representatives.


A second half of each workshop session is dedicated to small-group mentorship sessions with Stanford scientists where mentors can provide writing, skills development, and application help for mentees. During this time, mentees can work on personal statements for their transfer applications, seek help on their CV/resume, get career advice from mentors, or receive feedback on other internship/scholarship applications. 


Bootcamp workshops and mentor feedback sessions will take place over zoom.  Upon completion of the six-week program, students receive a certificate of completion and are invited to visit the Stanford Campus for a final celebration with CCOP mentors, student participants in other CCOP summer programs, and the Department of Developmental Biology. 

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